Legal Toolkit Michigan Alternative Dispute Resolution
What to Ask About Alternative Dispute Resolution
What to Ask About Alternative Dispute Resolution?
Among the questions that can be asked of your attorney include:
Can ADR save me time and money rather than pursuing a case through a trial?
Can ADR help me achieve some interests that I will be unable to obtain through a trial; what might be the interests of the other litigants be in resolving the dispute; what possible solutions might address these different interests?
How soon should we pursue ADR; should we consider pursuing ADR even before a complaint is filed?
What types of ADR processes are best suited for my dispute?
Is there a particular ADR provider (mediator, etc.) who you would recommend for my dispute?
How much will pursuing ADR cost me and will it have the potential of saving me money in the long run?
If I pursue a resolution through ADR what would a reasonable resolution look like given the strengths and weaknesses of my case and the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing party’s case?
If I do not voluntarily resolve my case, what is the “likely” verdict I can expect at a trial?
What is the likelihood that the trial could result in the worst case scenario (a complete loss at the time of trial)?